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  • Writer's pictureTianjiao Han

The last city

Updated: 5 days ago

Week7 progress

Still working on the textures. The first three shots haven't been rendered yet, they're just UE screenshots. The lighting and sky still need adjustment. The background music is still in production.

Week7 progress

There hasn't been significant progress; some bugs have been fixed, and attempts have been made to add moss to the buildings. Overall, the scene is 70% complete.

Continue working on texeure, still need more detail, the location of some assets still needs to be adjusted.

Week6 progress

Trying to move the model to UE5, still sorting out the model assets.

Simple screen recording, UltraDynamicSky and clouds, and try to deal with some materials.

Week5 progress: Apocalyptic city


Complete the last two shots and integrate the overall camera animation.
Shot_05, include radio.

Week4 progress: Apocalyptic city

Adjust the last shot and finish the model of solar-powered radio.
Simple texture of shot one. still need more details, and will switch to UE5 to do the realtime sky in the future.

Week3 progress: Apocalyptic city, storyboard animation (Still need to be confirmed).

The perspectives and models of lens one and lens two have been readjusted, as well as the camera movement. In lens three, deer will be removed in subsequent shots, avoiding any living creatures.

The preliminary model of the solar-powered radio has been completed, but further details are still needed.

The composite test for shot four has been completed. If ceiling lights are required, the model, UV, and materials will need to be reconfigured.

Week2 progress: Apocalyptic city, storyboard animation (Still need to be confirmed).

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