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About Me

Compositor | 3D Generalist

Hey there! I'm Dylan Wang, and I'm all about bringing visual effects to life in the most kick-ass way possible. I started out as a Compositor, diving headfirst into some seriously cool projects and fine-tuning my skills along the way.

After getting my hands dirty in the industry, I decided to take things up a notch and hit the books at the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design. There, I geeked out on all things VFX, from programming 3D models to mastering digital compositing and lighting/rendering techniques, scoring myself a shiny Master of Arts degree in the process.

During my time at Beijing Changkong Yihua Film Technology Co., Ltd, I got to work my magic on big-name projects like "The Untamed" and "My People, My Country." Armed with my trusty software pals like After Effects and Photoshop, I tackled everything from CG compositing to seamless background integration, always striving for that top-notch quality.

Next up, I stepped into the shoes of Compositing Group Leader at Beijing Lufanguangying Technology Co., Ltd, where I led teams on projects like "My People, My Homeland" and "A Little Red Flower." Here, I not only flexed my leadership muscles but also kept honing my technical wizardry.

I'm all about the details, whether it's fine-tuning rendering sequences or adding that extra touch of realism to CG scenes. I thrive in fast-paced environments where I can put my technical know-how and leadership skills to good use, all while keeping things light and fun.

Outside of work, you'll find me geeking out over the latest VFX trends and tech. I'm always on the lookout for ways to push the boundaries of visual storytelling and deliver mind-blowing experiences.

So, let's make some movie magic together!

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